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Neck Lift or Coutouring
​A graceful neck portrays a sense of refinement that enhances the overall appearance. A neck lift alone, without a facelift, can dramatically improve one’s appearance, making you look years younger and pounds lighter.

Neck Lift
This procedure can be referred to as a cervicoplasty or platysmaplasty. A cervicoplasty removes excess skin and a platysmaplasty tightens loose neck muscles.
​A small incision is made behind each ear and a third incision under the chin. Through these incisions, the surgeon will tighten and remove excess sagging skin to restore a smoother, firmer neck.
This is an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia or IV sedation with local anesthesia. Typically, you can return to work and normal activity two weeks after surgery. Bruising and swelling are normal and subside gradually. A “tight” feeling may remain for up to several months.
Neck contouring can achieve dramatic improvement to your neck and lower face.
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